Workplace Learning


Workplace Learning (ADWPL) is an integral part of Vocational Education and Training courses. During work placement, employers supervise the students as they practise and extend the industry skills they have learnt in the classroom. Year 11 and 12 students undertake a nine day Work Placement each semester (two placements a year). Each block equates to a 'C grade' which goes towards them achieving their WACE. 

Students are required to seek ADWPL in an industry they are wanting to experience. Students who are doing a VET course outside of school will need to check the requirements of the Registered Trading Organisations (RTO) regarding industry specific hours.

Refer to SCSA.


Workplace Learning Endorsed Program

Students enrolled in a non-university program of study will be expected to enrol in the Authority Developed Workplace Learning Endorsed Program (ADWLEP) where they will complete 110 hours of workplace learning across the year.

Workplace Learning is an Authority-developed, endorsed program that is managed by individual schools. To complete this endorsed program, a student works in one or more real workplaces to develop a set of transferable workplace skills. The student must record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in the Authority’s Workplace Learning Logbook. The student must also provide evidence of their knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the Authority’s Workplace Learning Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace.

ADWLEP provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate and develop increasing competence in the core skills for work, often referred to as generic, transferable or employability skills. A student learns to apply and adapt the workplace skills that are necessary to understand and carry out different types of work, that play a key role in lifelong learning. 


Core Skills for Work

The Core Skills for Work (CSfW) are a set of non-technical skills, knowledge and understandings that underpin successful participation in work. These skills are documented in the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework, developed collaboratively by the Department of Industry and the Department of Education. The Core Skills for Work encompass the Employability Skills outlined in the National Employability Skills Framework. The CSfW describe performance in ten Skill Areas, grouped under three Skill Clusters.

Skill Clusters & Skill Areas

Navigate the World of Work

Manage career and work life.

Work with roles, rights and protocols.

Interact with Others

Communicate for work.

Connect and work with others.

Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives.

 Get the Work Done

Plan and organise.

Make decisions.

Identify and solve problems.

Create and innovate.

Work in a digital world.

Developing competence in workplace skills assists students to gain employment, to progress within an organisation or industry area in which they are employed, and to contribute successfully to the organisation’s objectives as well as the wider community.

Participation in WLEP also provides students with several other benefits and allows students to: 

Test out possible careers.

Potentially gain employment or apprenticeships.

Obtain credit for TAFE entry.

Develop vital workplace communication and practical skills.

Experience the discipline and routine of the workplace.

Experience personal growth. 

VET in Schools

  • qxio-university VET In Schools
  • qxio-university Delivery of Programs
  • qxio-university The VETDSS Program
  • qxio-university Accessing a Program
  • qxio-university Pre-Apprenticeship (PAiS)
  • qxio-university Traineeships (SBT)
  • qxio-university Examples of Enrolment
  • qxio-university Conditions of Enrolment
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